Test "Life in Germany"

In the test "Life in Germany" of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees you have to solve 33 questions, and you have 60 minutes to do this. There are four possible answers to each question on the questionnaire. In accordance with section 1 subsection (3) of the Ordinance concerning the Naturalization Test (Einbürgerungstestverordnung), it is mandatory to answer at least 17 of the 33 questions correctly in order to prove your knowledge as specified by section 10 subsection (1), first sentence, No. 7 of the Nationality Act (Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz). 

30 of the questions apply to Germany. Only the last three questions apply to the federal state in which you are taking the test. You can find the complete catalogue of questions (300 questions) and the 10 questions on each of the federal states at www.bamf.de

Tip: Pay attention to the wording of the test items that contain negations (not or no).

At eduGLOBAL, the test is offered to participants who can present a valid authorization/ obligation to attend an integration course or who are already participants at eduGLOBAL


Dates "Life in Germany" test: https://eduglobal.de/deutsch-lernen/orientierungskurse